User Data Streams

Account Update

Account Update consists of 2 event types outboundAccountPosition and outboundAccountInfo that would sent a current balance of user after the account balance has changed

    "e": "outboundAccountPosition",  //Event type
    "E": 1602843659901,              //Event Time
    "u": 1602843659894,              //Time of last account update
    "B": [                           //Balances Array
            "a": "thb",              //Asset
            "f": "380.6422711375",   //Free
            "l": "0"                 //Locked

  "e": "outboundAccountInfo",    // Event type
  "E": 1602843659911,            // Event time
  "m": "0",                      // Maker commission rate (bips)
  "t": "0",                      // Taker commission rate (bips)
  "b": "0",                      // Buyer commission rate (bips)
  "s": "0",                      // Seller commission rate (bips)
  "T": true,                     // Can trade?
  "W": true,                     // Can withdraw?
  "D": true,                     // Can deposit?
  "u": 1602843659894,            // Time of last account update
  "B": [                         // Balances array
      "a": "ada",                // Asset
      "f": "2",                  // Free amount
      "l": "0"                   // Locked amount
      "a": "eth",
      "f": "0.373245109",
      "l": "0"
      "a": "omg",
      "f": "4.34693199",
      "l": "0"
      "a": "usdt",
      "f": "3.61",
      "l": "0"
      "a": "xlm",
      "f": "12",
      "l": "0"
      "a": "thb",
      "f": "380.6422711375",
      "l": "0"
  "P": [

Balance Update

    "e": "balanceUpdate",   //Event Type
    "E": 1602843659901,     //Event Time
    "a": "thb",             //Asset
    "d": "300.642",         //Balance Delta
    "T": 1602843659894      //Clear Time

Order Update

  "e": "executionReport",  // Event type
  "E": 1602843660084,      // Event time
  "s": "btc_thb",          // Symbol
  "c": "879",              // Client order ID
  "S": "BUY",              // Side
  "o": "LIMIT",            // Order type
  "f": "GTC",              // Time in force
  "q": "20",               // Order quantity
  "p": "15",               // Order price
  "P": "0",                // Stop price
  "F": "0",                // Iceberg quantity
  "g": -1,                 // OrderListId
  "C": null,               // Original client order ID; This is the ID of the order being canceled
  "x": "CANCELED",         // Current execution type
  "X": "CANCELLED",        // Current order status
  "r": "NONE",             // Order reject reason; will be an error code.
  "i": "29272745",         // Order ID
  "l": "0",                // Last executed quantity
  "z": "0",                // Cumulative filled quantity
  "L": "0",                // Last executed price
  "n": "0",                // Commission amount
  "N": "",                 // Commission asset
  "T": 1602836292734,      // Transaction time
  "t": 0,                  // Trade ID
  "I": -1,                 // Ignore
  "w": false,              // Is the order on the book?
  "m": false,              // Is this trade the maker side?
  "M": false,              // Ignore
  "O": 1602836292734,      // Order creation time
  "Z": "20",               // Cumulative quote asset transacted quantity
  "Y": "0",                // Last quote asset transacted quantity (i.e. lastPrice * lastQty)
  "Q": "20"                // Quote Order Qty

Last updated